Etusivu Tule mukaan! Yhdistykset ja muut harrastajat Yritykset Työvoimaksi tai ohjelmanpitäjäksi Ohjelma Käytännön asioita Aiemmat Kikuconit: Kikucon III Kikucon II Kikucon I |
English summaryKirsikankukkacon IVIn Turku, at Klassikko School of May 2012 Kirsikankukkacon IV - or Kikucon for short - is an event about Japanese culture and also about Japan-related hobbies in Finland. The event is mainly aimed at those who'd like to take a peek at the culture behing the pictures of manga and anime, but everyone is welcome to attend. Kikucon is made by volunteers, and it's free to attend. The theme of Kikucon IV is history: Japan's history, the history of various Japanese phenomena, and the history of Japan-related hobbies in Finland Inquiries: kikucon (at) animeunioni (dot) org |